21 July 2010


So, I've just got done with God of War III.

I must admit, I did jump in at the deep end and start on Chaos mode as I'm a bit of a 3rd person button mash master but, even I ran in to a couple of proverbial brick walls with the likes of the Labyrinth exiting "battle royale".

However, as a whole, the game was enjoyable and actually had me humming "Hold devil's pot of tea" the whole bloody day at work. If you have a PS3, I would say this is a definite must for your collection!

So, the story... spanning over 3 games, I'll try to keep it short!:

You play as Kratos.
He's a very angry man because in the first game, Ares (the god of war) made him a slave in return for killing his enemies in a battle he was losing against some barbarians and then tricked him into killing his own wife and child. Not only did he kill them but, as a reminder of his sin, their ashes were burnt onto his skin and he can't sleep without having nightmares of the moment he murdered them!

Areas keeps attacking Athena's worshippers because she's Zeus' favourite child and as a result, she approaches Kratos and offers him not only freedom of his servitude but, also freedom from the nightmares IF he can kill Ares. He's obviously pretty pissed at Ares anyway and being a slave ain't much fun either so, goes on this big quest to find Pandora's Box.

Long story short, he finds it, kills Ares and although his sins are forgiven, the nightmares are still with him. He can't take the sorrow and pain any more and decides to throw himself off a cliff only to be saved by Athena who makes him the NEW god of war as a reward.

However, Kratos' thirst for revenge is not complete and being very angry at the broken promises made to him for killing Ares, decides to join a Spartan army in turning over the city of Rhodes. Athena and the other gods are a little funny with him anyway because his was not born an Olympian but instead, a bastard. So, Athena decides to strip Kratos of his godly powers and uses them to do a Ghostbusters 2 and bring a giant statue to life (talk about make a dude angry!). Being a demigod, Kratos needs help in defeating it and so, Zeus offers him the Blade of Olympus which is useless unless he empties what's left of his powers into it... so he does and then is stabbed by Zeus and killed (SUPER PISSED!)

Gaia (the earth Titan) saves him because she wants revenge on Zeus also and so, he goes on a revenge mission against Zeus destroying everything that stands in his way. During his final confrontation with Zeus, Athena gets in the way and is shanked with the blade of Olympus but, tells Kratos that Zeus is actually his father and was scared that he'd do the same thing to him that Zeus had done to his parents, the Titans.

Not happy with just finishing it there, Kratos goes back in time (see what happens when you piss someone off THAT much) to The Great War and helps the Titans to not only win but, brings them back to the present with him (now THAT is seriously angry!).

The Titans climb mount Olympus to overthrow the gods and Kratos ride Gaia like the earth Titan she is (WHAT!?). At it's summit, Zeus manages to knock both Gaia and Kratos of the mountain but, Gaia manages to grab on just before they plummet to their demise... Kratos on the over hand, isn't so lucky and can't hang on. He calls to Gaia to help him but, is denied by her and falls off the mountain to his death.

Landing in the river Styx, Kratos survives the fall and is now probably as angry as he could probably get and goes on an all out DESTROY EVERYTHING mission.

Needless to say, everyone who gets in his way dies in some very interesting yet, highly violent ways. Bit of advice, NEVER ask Kratos for help if it will slow him down!!

If you would like a better detailed description of the plot, check out wikipedia... it's all there!

When playing God of War 3 and looking into the success it's had (along with why I also enjoyed playing it) I was forced into analysing the elements that made the game.

The obvious stuck out instantly:

  • Sex
  • Fantasy action
  • Extreme violence
  • Compelling and complex storyline
  • Characters who actually wind you up so, you can't wait to kill them

There were a few other points like the voice actors used, seriously dramatic soundtrack, amazing visuals/art work etc... but, what stuck with me were the controls.

I was told once how to do something (and maybe reminded again later when I was flapping around like a moron not knowing what to do) and wasn't told to press the right stick in, down on the d-pad, rotate the right analogue stick while tapping O and X to the rhythm of "We are the cheeky girls" to do a right hook attack.

Instead, they kept it simple... Light attack, Heavy attack, Grapple, Jump, Block and Dodge. Sure there's an item button but, it's something you can tap in the middle of a fight by mistake and it'll have a positive impact on the situation!

What I also liked about God of War 3 were the "fixed" camera angles which reminded me of Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. You knew the enemy was to the left of you character and so, pressed left to face them or right to flee like girl. A lot of games that give you control and you just end up running into a wall attacking the sky because you've accidentally nudged the camera control.

I think what impressed me the most (and believe me, a LOT of games since the likes of Metal Gear Solid have lacked this) was an amazing soundtrack and characters you can say "I fully understand why he's THAT angry".

Metal Gear Solid is a good example as everyone remembers...

The first time they stepped into Psycho Mantis' office, were told they liked to play Silent Hill or Castlevania and then beaten to death with a floating vase without getting a single hit in...


The fight with Gray Fox in Otacon's working space (not to mention Otacon pissing himself in the cupboard!)

These were both EPIC moments in gaming history as the game went from:

"I'm some guy in a wetsuit who has a head like a brick and I can sneak around like a mouse..."

What I'm trying to get at is games recently have lost that connection which makes you go back to them 4 or 5 times even though no matter how many times you complete it, you get a sense of achievement.

So, I'm doing a list of EPIC GAMING MOMENTS!
These are some of my favourites that actually made me sit back and go "Fuck me, that was awesome!" :

  • The Psycho Mantis fight (Metal Gear Solid)
  • Dante vs. Phantom (Devil May Cry)
  • Prologue: "The Clock Tower" (Bayonetta)
  • The FINAL Zeus fight (God of War III)
  • THE Stairs (Ninja Gaiden II)
  • The Scarab/Death boss (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Malus (Shadow of the Colossus)
  • Omega Weapon (Final Fantasy VIII)
  • Mother Brain (Super Metroid)
  • Liquid Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 4)

Those are some of mine... what are yours?

26 June 2010

Naughty impressions...

I have to start by saying that although Naughty Bear is enjoyable, I'm a little disappointed by it considering how long it has taken to develop. I've not played it to death BUT, over the 3 hours I have played it, there's not a lot left for me to do!

You play as Naughty, a teddy bear who tries to be nice to the other bears but, get humiliated and teased for being different. One day, Daddels decides to have a party but, Naughty isn't invited. As a gesture of good will, Naughty still makes Daddles a present and goes anyway hoping to be excepted but is instead, laughed away :(
That was the final straw and now Naughty is going to make them ALL pay for his suffering...

As you can see, the premise of the game sounds pretty fun and the video in the previous post makes it look fun. In whole it is fun however, the fact that you are taking revenge on the same bears over and over again on exactly the same map over and over again gets a little tedious!
What's more, the game upon installing it to my 360 is a little over 750MB... YES, 750MB instead of the usual 6 to 6.5GB giving you an idea of how small the game actually is! Due to the "size" of the actual game I feel a little robbed at paying the 30-odd pounds and can't help but feel they really could have just released this as a Live Arcade or PSN title much like they are doing with Hydrophobia (originally due to be released as a retail title).
My fears for this game lay with the DLC though and I can't help but think that due to the limited "play area" of the game, purchasing it for £32(ish) will force a lot of people into buying bigger/new maps, different game modes and such. I don't like companies who makes games to be a money traps so, I'll have to wait and see how they go about the DLC as paying for "additions" which really could and should have been in the game to begin with (I POINT AT YOU RESIDENT EVIL 5!!), is something I'm not prepared to do.
Let's hope they take a page from Rockstar's "Red Dead Redemption" and their recent FREE DLC that extended the life of the multiplayer experience.

In regards to glitches, I've read that there are people out there running into some pretty horrible glitches but, other than invisible bear traps/landmines and teleporting into building after breaking a bear's neck, I've not had any problems  other than trying to connect to an online game.
Online, for me, seems like an important part for this game. I've tried a couple of times to actually play a game however, upon the map loading, I've lost connection to the other players =(
What I can tell you though is I'm not impressed with what I've seen as it seems a game can hold no more than 4 players. There is a badge system in place that allows different perks to be added to you bear but, even with my early progress into the game, I've already unlocked a badge that gives you an extra 75% health. How these actually effect the game I don't know but, with so little unlocked, what other nasty surprises await!?

Enough with the negative about this game though, surely there's some fun to be had for the £32 price tag?

Sure, the game itself is enjoyable but, if you are interested, I'd recommend either renting it or waiting until the price drops (which, I'm assuming it will VERY soon). It has a child-like quality to it which I personally feel adds a whole lot of humor to ramming a bear's head into a cooler and stamping down on the lid and I can't quite put my finger on it but, something is constantly screaming KILL THE TELETUBBIES at me while I play! I can't comment on the multiplayer as such just yet but, it has potential and when killing a bear with a turntable justifies a guy sounding like a pre-school tv presenter saying "Gruesome DJ-ification" you can't help but, laugh.

Honestly, I think this game would have done better as an Arcade title on the 360 with a heap of DLC to support it as in short bursts, this game is great to kill (excuse the pun) an hour or so while you wait for a pizza or something as it's highly repetative and more of a short term entertainer.
If you're looking for something that's gonna keep you playing for 19 hours straight you'll be wanting to look for something different like Crackdown 2. On a plus note though, I should have the full 1000gs before Crackdown 2 is released so, at least I won't be paying full whack for that on the 9th July!

25 June 2010

Naughty AND Nice...

Naughty Bear was released today ~YAY!~ and if you have no idea what I'm on about watch this:

Now you understand what I'm on about, hopefully you can see why I'm a little itchy to get home and start the chaos :D
I have to say that this is shaping up to possibly be a multiplayer experience I'll enjoy like Left 4 Dead (Only ever beaten once on that I must add) but, I'll hold my verdict on that until I actually play it!

In other Non-game/game related news, the graphic novel series "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is due to have a film released very shortly (Not seen it yet? Check out Youtube ya lazy so-and-so!) and true to form, somebody has seen an opening to turn a comic into a film and then ruin it's credability with a poor game based loosely on the film that was actually a success.


Take "Streets of Rage" and strip away it's 16bit glory... replace said 16bit glory with the likes of "Metal Slug's" 32bit sex-a-thon and instead of basing it on the film, go back to it's roots and base in on the original comic and you should have something that looks like this:

It's also due to hit X-Box Live too so, nerr! Besides, I've got both consoles so I don't care which one it comes out on as I'll be getting it!

What this brings me to though is my love of games or more so the cult classics. I'm really glad that Ubisoft have decided to go old school with this title and as a result, I'm itching to play it almost as many times as I played Metal Slug in my msi-spent youth! I just wish more Live Arcade/PSN developers would go down this route of focusing on playability and enjoyment rather than:
"Our game has a complex and confusing storyline that makes no sense but, you don't care about that because the graphics are so good you can see the veins in his eyes and the deodorant stains on his shirt! Oh and there's also a female character with huge boobs to distract you!!"

Bring back the oldies and screw all this NOW IN HD crap! It wasn;t in HD then and I enjoyed it so, why does it need to be now??

23 June 2010

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

I uploaded this a few days ago... maybe a week... either way, I'm looking forward to this so, enjoy the trailer and I'll keep you up to date!

PS. From what I've seen, it will look like Street Fighter IV visually... I just hope it retains the speed *crosses fingers*