24 December 2008

'Twas the night before christmas...

Well Christmas is upon us once again and yet again, I waited until the last minute to do my shopping.
This means I fall into the statistic on TV the other day which stated:
"53% of men do their Christmas shopping at the last minute."
I hate being a statistic BUT, I bet I saved more money then the 47% of men who did theirs early 'cos guess what... reduced VAT and last minute sales bitches! BOOYEAH!
However, I'm happy to say that unlike the 72% of men who won't even bother buying a present for their partner, I fall into the 27% who had consideration for their partner and actually got them something!
Apparently, the 72% who don't bother will take their partner out for the post Christmas sales and let them buy what they want. This sounds like a solid financial idea considering there WILL be sales and your parnter will get what they want.


Think about it, you give your lady free reign of your credit/debit card and say "buy what YOU want!" HAHAHA, expect to check your acount in the morning to find you twice over you over-draft... I learnt this early in life thankfully!

Well mine's all done... almost :P
