Well, good news is that it’s not raining today
Bad news is that it is really bloody windy (and cold to boot) and I’m cream crackered
Still, I could see the funny side of this morning as I was attempting to wake up when my phone alarm went off and I remember being questioned… by myself.
All I can remember of this morning was me asking me “What kind of alarm is that?” – I didn’t answer, that’s just crazy!
Alas, that has been the only funny side of today thus far :’[
Well I tell a slight lie there but, I’ll explain a little bit on from here.
So, swiftly getting back to how crap the day had started, after leaving my house I got caught in traffic which f*cks me right off as there is no logical reason for there to be any between the Charlie Brown and the Redbridge roundabout. Instead everyone drives like they’ve suddenly gone blind for the whole 5 – 10mins it takes to get through it EVERY morning (I say every morning yet, for some reason, Friday mornings it’s a clear run!?).
I just personally think it’s because too many people are either doing their make-up, having a shave (yes, really!) or dressing their kids in the car rather then actually driving… personally, I prefer doing what I need to do BEFORE I get in my car to go to work!
With the stupid A406 out of the way, the rest should have been plain sailing.
I had to drive past my friggin’ office 3 time ‘cos some d*ick decided that parking IN the alleyway was no longer good enough and so, parked ACROSS the alleyway. When I told him (the 2nd time round) that I needed to get in there, he pointed at a space behind me stating he needed to get in there, reversed so a van could poke it’s nose out of the alleyway then gave me a “smug look” as if to say “See, you can’t go in there anyway”
I hate the “Smug face”. Every time Ian Beale (Eastenders) pulls it, I wanna smash my T.V and then find him and smash his face with my now smashed T.V – this guy got pretty much the same treatment!
I pulled up next to him, wound down my window and said “I need to get into where I work. I’ve been round the block twice and this’ll be the third time now. You’ve made me 10mins late already so, if you haven’t moved by the time I come back round, I will move you myself…*serious stare*”
Must have worked ‘cos on my third approach, the van had gone :]
I can’t complain too much about work… OK I can but, I won’t.
I’ve had a few funny moments in the last couple of weeks though to makes up for the complete ignorance of others.
For example:
I had had a guy walk into the office yesterday and, once he’d sat down, asked
“is this a BSM office?”
It was one of them moments where you just have to take a step back and think “Did that really just happen?” not to mention he had the whole “Zoo smell” going on. For those who don’t know this smell, here is a simple equation to summarise it;
Straw (or hay… same thing really, it’s the foundation for the smell)
+ Water (adds a musty dampness to it)
+ Poo (Manure, usually from a large plant eating animal like a Rhino)
= Zoo Smell (Very close to Rabbit hutch but, more “wild”)
There was also a guy smoking outside Somerfields this morning who made me laugh.
Between each drag of his cig, he was admiring it like it was the purest diamond ever cut. This diamond however, was made from the blood of a thousand virgins that had been compressed in a black hole then cast to earth where god him/herself had then taken it down into the belly of the planet and forged it with lightening, brimstone and a hint of basil.
He obviously enjoyed smoking his virgin blood diamo... err… cigarette!
So yeah, not all is bad and I managed to get up to (and past I must add) Wave 50 of Horde last night on Gears of War 2. It gets a little crazy towards the end but, it got the adrenaline pumping as the Blood Mounts, Boomers and Grinders decided to set up camp right under our position leaving with about 2 hiding spots… for 5 of us!
The perimeter wasn’t much safer either as yet more Grinders were outside filling every window with a storm of bullets and the locust priests (can’t remember what they’re called) lobbing ink grenades at us every 2 seconds.
Was fun though :D
I’m actually impressed I’m awake still though. Last night I had the best intention of going to bed before (or around!) 12 last night. However, while updating my iPod, I noticed iTunes had got a new part called “Genius”. I had to check it out and usually this would have taken me no longer than 5 mins.
The best laid plans, however, always seems to get screwed up and I didn’t end up getting into bed until about 2:45ish am T__T
This was down to iTunes Genius creating a playlist that informed me around 90% of my music library was missing!! So, I went through my collection of music rescuing the “missing” files that seemed to take about 10mins to get them all (well, the majority) back into iTunes. Well I say it seemed like 10mins, I’m still pretty sure it was 10mins and it was just every clock in the world decided the human race would lose 2 and a half hours of life and put themselves forward!
I’M ON TO YOU CLOCKS! *shakes fist*
With that I’m pretty sure they’ve gone and done it again as I only have 5mins of lunch left – WTF!